Sign up for live streaming of the Yamaha Workshop!

Can’t make the trip to NYC? Register for LIVE STREAMING of this workshop!

Brush off those winter blues with these engaging presentations:

Mary Moran – Teaching Elementary Students: How to structure lesson time, define and meet goals, and produce engaged, happy students and parents

Robert Durso – Further Analysis of Some Interesting Shaping Example

John Bloomfield – Creating Context: Helping Clarify Goals, Expectations and Process in the Early Stages of Taubman Work

Master Classes with Edna Golandsky working on Mozart Sonatas K. 280 and K. 281, Beethoven Sonata Op. 81a, and Chopin Ballade No.3.

Plus a Q & A Session after the morning session and afternoon session

* Full-Day Participants: Bringing a bag lunch and water is strongly suggested since the break will not be very long.