Problem Solving Liszt, Brahms, Ravel, Schubert, Bach


Issues Relating to the Basic Technique, tightness in the hands and control at the keys

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  • Liszt S. 141 No. 6, Paganini Variations
  • Brahms Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel Op. 24
  • Ravel Alborada del Gracioso from Miroirs
  • Schubert Op. 142 No. 3
  • Bach Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue
  • Questions:
    • When you are working with someone through the initial retraining process, do you ask them to suspend preparing for concerts and/or exams? Has your approach changed over the years?
    • I wonder if you could talk about the vertical walking hand and arm and at what point/how this is taught. I feel that I am doing it fairly correctly, but I would have no idea how to explain this concept to somebody else, or how to integrate it into the playing.
    • Assuming a student begins with learning how to play 5 fingers and a scale, some chords etc, at what point do you move on to passage work? Do all the elements need to be working perfectly in the scale, and rotation minimized? Are there a certain number of things that really need to be perfect, and are there some things that don’t need to be 100% in order to move forward?
    • When teaching the Taubman Approach, should a teacher provide an overview of the different factors (shaping, grouping, etc.) that make up a good technique or reveal it to the student as needed?

Video length: approx. 47 min.
Includes PDF Handout