Golandsky Institute Berkeley Seminar 2019


Whether you are just beginning to explore the Taubman Approach or you have had experience with it, the Golandsky Institute Berkeley Seminar in Berkeley, California offers lectures, demonstrations, master classes and observed private lessons for you to expand your knowledge and skills. The seminar on Saturday will be preceded on Friday and followed on Sunday by observed private lessons.

“The amazing thing to me is that Dorothy Taubman never set out to develop a method to cure injured pianists. Her main intention was to teach people to play as virtuosos, but, in doing so, she realized that the motions that were involved in virtuoso playing also cured injuries.”
-Barbara Banacos, pianist and teacher

“Engaging, articulate and eloquent teachers. Bravo!”
-Past participant

“I enjoyed observing the faculty pinpoint the technical problems in specific passages and show practical ways to solve them.”
-Past participant


Friday,  November 15, 2019 ~ in 2 private studios

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. — Observed private lessons

1:00 p.m. — Lunch

2:30 – 6:30 p.m. — Observed private lessons

Saturday, November 16, 2019 ~ MAIN SEMINAR DAY ~ at Cal State in Hayward

8:45 a.m. — Check-in

9:00 a.m. — Introductory Lecture with Marc Steiner

9:45 a.m. — Coffee Break

10:00 a.m. — “In and Out Motions of the Forearm” with John Bloomfield

10:45 a.m. — “Playing Passages with Double Notes” with Mary Moran

11:30 a.m. — Technique Clinic with John Bloomfield

12:00 p.m. — Lunch

1:30 p.m. —  “Interdependence of the Hands” with Elizabeth Swarthout

2:15 p.m. — Interactive hands-on session

3:00 p.m. — Break

3:15 p.m. — Teaching Students How to Play Double Notes with Mary Moran

4:00 p.m. —  Master Classes with John Bloomfield, Mary Moran and Marc Steiner

5:30 p.m. — End

Sunday morning, November 17, 2019 ~ at 2 Private studios

8:30 – 9:30 a.m. — Observed private lessons with John

9:30 – 10:30 a.m. — Open question period with John

10:30 – 12:30 p.m. — Observed private lessons with John


9:00 – 10:00 a.m. — Observed private lessons with Mary

10:00 – 11:00 a.m. — Open question period with Mary

11:00 – 1:00 p.m. — Master Class and Pedagogy Workshop for children and teens with Mary.  Please contact Tommy Johnson at tej725 [at] gmail.com by November 2nd to request lessons for your students, and include the full name, age and piece for each student.


John Bloomfield is a co-founder and senior director of the Golandsky Institute and also serves as its faculty chairman. In demand as a teacher and clinician, he maintains a private studio in New York City and travels frequently to lecture, consult, and give lessons, most recently to Australia.



Mary Moran is a co-founder and senior director of the Golandsky Institute. Widely recognized as a teacher of the Taubman Approach and for her work in children’s pedagogy, she has a private studio in Albany, New York and mentors teachers in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Canada. She is the author of “Basic Alignment & Rotation – Beginning Lessons in the Taubman Approach”.



Elizabeth Swarthout serves on the faculty of the Golandsky Institute and is the founder and former director of the Golandsky Institute Berkeley Seminar. She teaches in Richmond and Davis, California and in Granada, Spain. She also teaches a number of out-of-state people by Skype.



Marc Steiner

Marc Steiner has over thirty years experience with the Taubman Approach. He regularly gives lectures and master classes on the Taubman work and is a former faculty member of the Taubman and Golandsky Institutes.  He performs as pianist with Sierra Ensemble and maintains private teaching studios in the East Bay and Los Angeles areas.

marcjsteiner [at] gmail.com

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